Wiring and Sensor guides for Raspberry PI with Xojo

I just updated our Fan controller project to include blueprints for fabrication of the board.

What is most interesting for Xojo users in this update is maybe how we got the cost of fabricating our own boards down to $1 per board even if producing in low quantity (only 10 boards were produced). Showing that you can do great projects and make them properly at low cost.

The Fan controller project:

Our normal Xojo GPIO projects (which are more Xojo related):

I also have fabrication files for the more complex PCF8591 Analog To Digital board with more improvements also, but wont post until I have had a chance to solder and test that one.

Has anybody managed to get a 1-Wire device working? I have seen lots of tutorials (via Google) but none seem to work. I have tried on a Raspberry Pi 3 and Orange Pi Lite. I am trying to interface a DS18b20 temperature sensor. I have seen (not tried) other sensors but I have one of these that can be immersed in water.

Including some info here on 1-Wire devices (especially temperature sensors) would be nice.

I would ask @Eugene Dakin since he has the book. When I asked about my J Thermocouple interface he ordered one and created an example project that went into his book.

Hi Mark,

Bob is correct, I do have a one-wire example with Xojo in the I Wish I Knew How To … Program Raspberry Pi with Xojo book. I am not on my computer and can’t remember which one-wire temperature sensor example was created. The book is available at Xojo Library .

From memory, there was a change needed with Raspberry Pi and a reboot was needed and I can’t remember what Option had to change, and it’s in the book.

I have updated our Xojo GPIO guides putting out the final chapter in the previous PCF8591 ANALOG TO DIGITAL – BRAKING OUT OF THE BOX guide.

In the final chapter then making your own Analog to Digital converter is taken a bit further, making fully fabricated board. And adding some improvements to the existing prototype. Such as ability to turn off the resistors that are to not have to use I2C converter if you only got one device on the buss. Ability to turn off status light to save power.

For those that don’t remember then the point of making your own is to be able to set your own hardware adress so that you can connect many such boards to get more analog channels.

As always then our guides can be found here:


I just posted a new guide called MFRC-522 RFID reader in Xojo (Bridged with Python)

This board like many other boards need fairly complex driver and since I believe Xojo should be about productivity and not always having to start from scratch at re-inventing the wheel then we will be using Python driver that already exists and then bridge the Python to Xojo, making this example very easy.

We use Einhugur PythonScript Plugin to bridge Xojo to Python, but don’t worry all the Einhugur plugins are free for Raspberry PI, if you don’t got licence then just download the Demo version, it will run as full version when compiled for Raspberry PI

As always then our guides can be found here:


I just posted new GPIO guide on our Blog.

The new guide is called RDM6300 125 khz RFID reader.

This board uses serial communications and reads 125 khz RF ID’s.

As always then our guides can be found here:


Björn, your link says: Error establishing a database connection

Seems to work now, I imagine it must have been temp issue at the ISP.

I quickly added another guide which is a followup to our existing HD44780 display guide.

The new guide is called: HD44780 based LCD display - Part 2 (Non standard sizes)

The new guide covers some non standard sizes and versions of HD44780 based LCD displays, including dual channel very large 40 x 4 display that requires different connection and different coding.

As always then our guides can be found here:
