Windows IDE type speed

No worries … the vast majority didn’t even notice it.

This problem still exists and the conversation on this thread ended over a year ago. So we have a right to be frustrated. Running latest version of VMware Fusion (v11) on a powerful Mac (Core i7 with 16GB RAM) and typing into the Xojo IDE reminds me of trudging through molasses on a cold day.

In other treads this issue was still discussed afterwards … which should not be the case if this issue should be fully fixed and over.
It happens to me every day quite some times that I need to restart the IDE in order to get working smoothly again. (Win10)

I’m enjoying Xojo (so far) and I’m new to the platform, using it for a few special-purpose projects and to potentially migrate away from FoxPro. It will become quite frustrating to deal with this problem as I need to develop specifically for the Windows platform but have a Mac with a Windows 10 VM for development. What a strange problem, and something you’d think the dev team could come up with a fix for straight away. Ugh.

I run Win7 64-bit in a VM under Fusion (I have dedicated 4 virtual cores and 8GB of RAM to this VM). In that environment, I use Visual Studio, Altium Designer, and numerous other apps (including those written in Xojo) that perform just fine.
But Xojo’s IDE is unuseable in this environment. I tried 18.1.1, 18.2, 18.3 with no improvements. Is there any hope for this to be fixed?

Probably related to the fact of Xojo still being a mono thread language/framework and depending heavily on timers that seems not perform very well for fast tasks in Windows as they do in MacOS.

VMWare is notoriously slow. Parallels runs Windows much faster.

I ran into this problem just this week. I’ve been a loyal VMWare user for many years (in fact switched from Parallels many years ago for some unremembered reason). But this week I had to run a big project in Xojo in Win10 in a VM and it was very slow.

On a recommendation from another developer I tried Parallels and OMG what a difference! Easily twice as fast before I put the new VM on an SSD.

Count me as a convert. I don’t now why VMWare Fusion stinks so bad on the Mac right now but Parallels is clearly much faster than VMWare. Worth the price to switch over.

I am using Parallels from version 7 up to the latest version 14 on a MBP and a MINI,. I spend much more time in the Win10 VM’s than with OSX. Also Parallels had quite some issues during the years, version 12 was so buggy that sometimes your entire machine crashed in a way that you had to press the famous 7 seconds on/off button. It happened sometimes when you were using Google maps on the VM. It was reported by many, but only admitted when it was finally fixed in version 13.
Version 13 en 14 are quite stable, fast and easy to manage.