why use xojo instead of javascript + html 5 + css for crossplatform development?

[quote=395998:@James Dooley]But that is the answer! XOJO is not going to cause the problem in scaling up to manage say 50k+ concurrent users if necessary. It is going to come down to the skills, knowledge and experience of the developer and the architecture chosen.

If you build one monolithic application, stick it on a server in cloud it might bomb with five or ten concurrent users. If on the other hand you break it down into micro services, use a container management tool to deploy it on AWS or Azure and set it up to take full advantage of the available scaling capabilities offered you could easily handle 10ks of users.

How well something scales these days depends on the architecture choose and the technology you chose to deploy on not the language chosen.[/quote]

Okay that may be true, but their marketing this as an “EASIER” solution than using multiple existing technologies, to which we know how those are scalable. Nothing in what you explain sounds easy to me. In most cases the customer knows the scale of their project what they are looking for is matching a product to their scale, and this is not an easy endeavor in Xojo Web given the current info. It requires a lot of time invested to see if it is even a candidate.

It’s like buying a truck, you go to the Ford dealer and say; will this tow? The answer is yes it will, and this is how much. They don’t say it depends on; the skill of the driver, head winds, trailer loading, barometric pressure, etc. etc. even though it does. Every software tool depends on the developer.

They might have a winner with Xojo Web, I hope so, but I think they could win a lot more customers by having some real world apps - i.e. feedback.

Looking forward to 2.0 as well…

Scalability is based on a number of factors, least of which is the programming language used (not that it is not a contributing factor, but it is not the biggest factor)

  • level of hardware involved (is it a “TRS-80” or an AIX Mainframe level server)
  • how much diskspace, how fast is the storage media?
  • what is the level of the developer(s) involved? How well can they optimize all the aspects of the system (not just the app, but how the app interacts with the hardware, network and other software)
  • finally how effiecient is the programming language in the hands of the above developer?

The biggest barrier to scaling Xojo Web apps is the need for sticky sessions as you can not use sessions in Redis, MySQL, etc. If Web 2.0 allowed you to move session data to another store that would be a big benefit. At the very least allow you to implement your own session handler with an interface and pass that to be used for new requests.

If you are building apps that have to scale to 1000s of users then you have to sacrifice session. It does not matter what the language is.

Unfortunately for Xojo Web you cannot sacrifice session. If a request ends up a different instance it is refused and the app breaks rapidly.