Why every new release some language instructions change?

Neither do the type (EVENTS!) and scope of the changes and changes in philosophy for R2. The past at this point can not be used for guidance as we are in uncharted territory.

We know the issues with events. The past can certainly be used as a guideline for when we can expect stuff like “dim” or “Ubound” to be removed, and it tells me “probably never”. And you still don’t have to rewrite your code, now and possibly ever.

They made mistakes (IMO), they didn’t suddenly become evil.

[quote=462434:@Kem Tekinay]
They made mistakes (IMO), they didn’t suddenly become evil.[/quote]

I don’t think they became ‘evil’. I think Geoff has decided that a different product philosophy would help make the company more profitable. There is nothing wrong with a company trying to maximize profits as long a it is done ethically, and that is what he is trying to do IMO…

That is why I said all bets are off for the future… Not because of Xojo inc being evil or not caring, but because of a basic philosophy change.

Many tried to tell them they were making a mistake during the beta, but because they believed in that new philosophy they did not change course then… and while they might make some minor course corrections, if past is prolog it could be a long time before they decide to make a major change in that philosophy (Xojo.Framework)

That leaves us needing to decide if the new philosophy alines with what we want from the product going forward.

  • Karen

Also in that 0 vs 1 category, if you used RecordSet.IdxField anywhere and are converting to RowSet.ColumnAt be aware that IdxField is 1-based and ColumnAt is 0-based. I just got bit by that one in a project I am updating from 2012r2.

[quote=462292:@Jeff Tullin]IRight now, my main concern is : what about changing the index of strings?
Haven’t they switched to a zero base?
So if “You don’t have to rewrite a single line…” won’t that immediately hard break any app of a decent size that uses INSTR and MID?
Won’t it immediately make for off-by-one errors?[/quote]

InStr and Mid are not changed. For String there are new methods (IndexOf and Middle respectively), which are zero based. As far as I’m concerned, this is a plus as now I can search a string or an array using the same syntax. Some other useful methods from Text (such as BeginsWith, EndsWith) have been back ported to String - another good thing as I can throw out my own versions of these methods.

They used Left(SourceString, Value) and Right(SourceString, Value)) ?

Sorry, don’t understand the question.

no you cant
arrays have no “middle” method. nor left right etc or any others unless you added then via extends methods

[quote=462558:@Norman Palardy]no you cant
arrays have no “middle” method. nor left right etc or any others unless you added then via extends methods[/quote]
I can with IndexOf.