Why Are Feature Requests Like Pulling Teeth?

[quote=85368:@Chris Verberne]So hiring new engineer(s) is the solution for Xojo inc according to some people.

I wonder if those people realise the cost of hiring extra people. And how will those extra people weight on the license cost for the Xojo users? Are you willing to pay a lot more for your license? Are you willing to give up your free version for that extra engineer?

Don’t tell Xojo inc what to do or how to run their business. They are longer in business than most of us, so they perfectly know what to do. And using Xojo for our professional activities, it just works out fine for us despite the fact we have to find many workarounds for features who do not was as expected.

Less moaning and more creativity is the solution for this kind of problems.

Now back to work again![/quote]

I do not imply that.

I only say that if Xojo need six month to an engineer to start to work with the sources (safety), it is time NOW to hire engineer(s).

Else, we have to wait forever to get ride of the REALbasic / Real Studio legacy code !

But purgatory and limbo are quite different concepts/places, theologically. (I would prefer the limbo over purgatory any day; if it was good enough for Vergil it is good enough for me.)

XOJO Inc. has announced the hiring of 10 new engineers at the demand of their user base.
Product subscription prices skyrocket in order to pay the new 1.8 million dollar annual salary requirments[/h]

[Yeah 1.8 MILLION… rule of thumb is 2x actual salary to account for benefits, overhead, insurance etc.]

As a young Catholic boy, I looked at it quite a bit simpler … if Purgatory really existed, then my chances of going to Hell for some of those things I did that my Momma said “the devil’s gonna get you for that” went down from 50% to 33.3% ~_-

I personally never request features. If I need something I find a plugin or article or something to assist. If its unavailable then I either decide I can’t use Xojo or come up with a workaround. I tend to spec these things out in advance of writing.

However even if I wanted to do a feature request I would be discouraged from doing so. The principal reason: The feedback app. I hate it.

I think mostly the focus of this thread is Xojo IDE features, such as adding a shortcut to forward/backward buttons.

It took me a few years to learn Objective-C, I mainly use it for learning how to accomplish things that cannot be done in native Xojo code, prototyping Objective-C apps when my converted code doesn’t work. I would recommend learning it this way, as I mentioned earlier, at the very least it empowers your Xojo built applications. The Cocoa framework, includes a huge wealth of goodies and often I find exactly what I need, already there.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at an interview for some contract work. They’re using a third party tool, and were amazed when I showed them some simple stuff in Objective-C that they cannot do in their tool, especially as the tool they’re using doesn’t support declares. One guy got really excited when I showed him CGLayers and how I’d utilized them to get 245 fps on a Retina MBP, while their chosen toolkit was struggling to do 20.

Anyhow, this is just my personal feelings on which language you should learn if you wanna do iOS now.

You’ve got 7 years on me, but like you, I’m all self taught.

Enough thread jacking from me… Back to work in my favorite tool Xojo :slight_smile:

[quote=85032:@Norman Palardy]My personal favorite is #3624

From a closed site where access is limited to a specific browser and a temperamental proxy with non-standard user validation, I long for the day I can get clickable Feedback items on the web (for signed-in users, obviously). I can’t even have Feedback installed in this machine so I can’t even know what this ticket is about :frowning:

PS: It’d be great to discover now that feedback already has view of tickets over the web and I’ve managed to miss it for years.