What do people want from the Listbox Control

So in this thread I have seen people wanting:

1 Cells to hold controls <- can be simulated

2 Data binding <- not sure what this means I list db data all the time and can edit the data right in the listbox

3 Variable row heights <-Karen has had this solution available to the community for a long time. Why not support a third party and purchase it? Or make your own?

4 Native list control <- maybe this would address all the other missing features(including the three I just listed)

This posting shows you maybe a bit pessimistic. I find this example refreshingly good, not at all terrible. Maybe by “terrible” you refer to the out of the box control with no extra effort…

[quote=116306:@Stephen Dodd]Here’s a coding challenge.

This is a desktop app I’m working on: [/quote]

That said, I do not understand why there are apparently no solutions based on NSTableView/NSOutlineView on Cocoa for Xojo, through declares or plugins.

I just took a look. It looks super great and powerful. I wish it worked for Web Apps.

The WebListbox is indeed quite limited :frowning:

Something like that could not be written in the Xojo language for a web app. It would have to be done using web technologies… Maybe it could be done with the Web SDK…

But on the desktop, my classes are just subclasses of the Xojo Listbox using only Xojo code. That is what i mean when I say you can do a lot if you really understand the listbox API and the possibilities it opens up. It really is a Swiss Army Knife of a control.

While the scrollbar does not looks ‘standard’, overall the control still does IMO look “at home” on 10 .9 (I went directly from 10.6->10.9) and visually is far from terrible esthetically.

I suspect it would be VERY difficult to create a “native” Xplatfrom listbox with all the flexibility of the current one. As long as this one keeps being supported, it might be nice to have IN ADDITION a less flexible but native Xplatform one as well.

That said, I suspect it would still be a big job, and given what the current listbox can do, IMO Xojo Inc resources are needed much more elsewhere.

  • Karen

[quote=116647:@Karen Atkocius]
That said, I suspect it would still be a big job, and given what the current listbox can do, IMO Xojo Inc resources are needed much more elsewhere.

  • Karen[/quote]


Bug fixes and implementing iOS support would be at the top of many people’s list.

Is there any summary/list of the more serious bugs, especially for the web framework?

You can search the feedback app. It lists all the reported bugs.

64 bit

Just this: <https://xojo.com/issue/17672> (Mac only).
On a Mac, it simply looks out of place and non-native. Which is sad, because with CellTextPaint/CellBackgroundPaint there are so many customization possibilities… If only Listbox supported native Mac scrollbars, I would be literally crying out in ecstasy :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t bet on this. It has been asked trillions times but no luck. :slight_smile:

But yes, you are right. It should be done for sure !

I know it can be done with declares/MBSPlugins. But it is very complicated and difficult to do.
The closest you can get is using the dtPlugins. It has a native listbox but it is a bit buggy.

I just played with a separate scrollbar, tucked on the right hand side of a listbox with many rows.

It is invisible as default.

In the MouseWheel event, I becomes visible, its maximum is set as well as its value, and a half a second timer is started.

It is not exactly the same as what happens with a TextArea scrolling, but it is getting a whole lot closer than what the default scrollbars provide. And took just a few minutes.

Building a transparent ScrollBar with a canvas looks kind of simple.

Also PDF support

So, in summary so far in this thread the only thing I have seen with any substance is the scroll bars. They may look out of place but that’s all. The rest of what I have read can already be done.

The Xojo listbox isn’t fast enough. The DataGrid is fast but it’s not retina and doesn’t allow custom drawing.

& Smooth scrolling. Then it would be perfect in my case.

And the Listbox has this - for OS X users - odd line by line scrolling instead of the continuos pixel-by-pixel scrolling. Just feels alien on OS X.