WebToolBarButton Cursor Change

No, Micheal.

Read the page I linked to about CSS cursors for available values.

ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('" + me.ControlID + "_AddPatientButton').style.cursor = 'pointer';")

If you have trouble dealing with JavaScript/css, stick to Xojo webstyles. They shield you from complexity.

I mean to try to learn some things about Javascript.
I visited the cite mentioned but I have tried different permutations but nothing happened
ExecuteJavaScript(“document.getElementById(’” + me.ControlID + “_Button1’).style.cursor = ‘{cursor: e-resize}’;”)

but no luck. So, I would be gratefull if you modified my example to get a grasp how things works in Javascript and Xojo

What you got to understand is that when you use ExecuteJavaScript you no longer are using Xojo, but pure JavaScript.

At the site I linked to, you have a list of available cursors.



.pointer {cursor: pointer;}

This is the cursor you need. In CSS syntax, cursor: pointer; means cursor = pointer. Pointer being the finger pointer.

You may enjoy this page, where you can see what each cursor does:

Here is more about the syntax:

The site w3Schools.com is a superb resource to learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript.


ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('" + me.ControlID + "_Button1').style.cursor = 'pointer';")

Which I keep posting.

I see! Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation :slight_smile: