Web Edition on iOS & Sessions

Interestingly enough, the RADAR report I filed last year that reported the bug in iOS6 that started all of this has been marked as “Fixed”.

I’ve worked with the desktop versions of Xojo (and it’s unnamed ancestors) but I’m new to WE. I’m testing with iOS 7 beta now and I’ll just say I hope (and assume) that Xojo are testing with iOS 7 already. If not, chop-chop. :slight_smile:

From what I’ve seen so far, we’re going to wait for a few more betas before we begin testing.

Yeah phones need to NOT crash all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been playing with the Beta for iOS 7 and without going into detail, I can definitely say there’s a fair amount of polishing to be done before it would even be worth testing. Besides a number of UI things that need to be fixed and tweaked, I have a number of apps that start rending funny and working wonky. That’s what I get for being impatient I suppose…