Here is a response from Greg on my other post asking about the correct name to use. This function allowed me to see the names that are on the server. I had to build the test app to see the fonts on the server. Just debugging, it showed a ton more, but these were just fonts on my machine.
If you installed Times New Roman on your XC server, and that is the name of the font, you should be ok. In my case, I previously installed an Arial font. As Alberto said, prior to the upgrade, it might’ve been named “Arial”, but after the upgrade, it is named “ArialMT”. Thanks to Greg’s tip, I was able to see what the actual name was
If you don’t install any, it looks like these are the fonts that were added:
DejaVu LGC Sans Mono
DejaVu LGC Serif
DejaVu LGC Serif
DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans Mono
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro
Source Code Pro