Vector graphics picture won't save

That 3rd vector has been my bugaboo all along. When I don’t use it, I get a graphics parameter. I’ll try again.

I’m having some success with your suggestions. For a canvas, this works. Thanks. But still very unclear how to move all this into a Picture.

OK… we need the whole example.

Create a window, add a picture property called ThePicture
Add a Canvas

In the window Open event, do this:

In the Canvas’ Paint event, do this:

Run it, and you will see this:

and an EMF file will be on the desktop.

That works. Thank you. What I was unable to see was how to use the “Objects” property. Maybe this is in the docs but I sure could never find it.

Again, I do appreciate the personal help. Softened a miserable evening after watching my fav bb team, Purdue, go down in flames to a #16 seed.

I will now go about rewriting code to get my original purpose accomplished: two puzzles on one page.

Original example:
Var o As New OvalShape
o.Width = 60
o.Height = 120

o.FillColor = RGB(127, 127, 255)
g.DrawObject(o, o.Width, o.Height)

You put that example in the Paint Event of a Canvas…

Now, the reworked example:

Var VectorPict As New Picture(300,300,0)
Var o As New OvalShape

o.Width = 60
o.Height = 120

o.FillColor = RGB(127, 127, 255)


cVector.Backdrop = VectorPict

cVector is a Canvas I placed in Window1.

The code is located in Window1.Open.

Is it clear now ?

What you may have missed is Objects; look carefully the line:


vs what the doc says:

g.DrawObject(o, o.Width, o.Height)

Is it clear now ?

PS: now, you have an object (the Picture I called VectorPict) you can use to draw on screen (as seen above) or print, or save, or… whatever.

Jeff beats me on that. I read back the whole thread and notice that right now.

Yes, this is precisely why the docs failed me. They kept using the g graphics of a canvas to illustrate never explaining — at least not anywhere I could find — how to use Objects in a vector-picture.

Thanks for clarifying.

Also, Emile solved it as well with a slightly different take. Both were very helpful.