Trouble generating PDF from Linux server

I created a web app that generates a pdf. It works fine on my Windows machine, but it does not generate the pdf from my InMotionHosting VPS running Centos 7. The necessary fonts are in the /usr/share/fonts/times and /usr/share/fonts/liberation folders. InMotion support placed the liberation fonts on the server but neglected to do the times so I uploaded them. The liberation folder has three files that I do not have, fonts.dir, fonts.scale, and .uuid. I restarted the server after I added the times fonts, but the app still ignores the button that generates the pdf. Everything else seems to work fine. I am assuming it is a font issue as it works fine on my Windows machine both in the debugger and when compiled.

To see the current list of registered fonts:


To register new inserted fonts:

fc-cache -f -v

For DynaPDF, you may need to call AddFontSearchPath to add fonts for Linux.

See How to get fonts to load in charts on Linux?

The fonts seem to be in place and registered. I also copied them to the Resources folder which did not help. I am using the PDF feature built into Web 2.0. What else could keep the PDF from being generated?


fc-list | grep -i times


I changed the pdf on the web server to nothing but one graphic and it worked which pretty much says it is a font issue. fc-list revealed that the times font was already installed so I removed the files I had installed, reregistered, rebooted. Still does not work. times fonts are:

I see you have some duplicates. Remove the /usr/local/share/fonts/msttcore

and rebuild

fc-cache -f -v

Then show a small sample of you creating a PDF in Xojo that works with liberation but fails with times.

Make sure to use g.FontName = PDFDocument.StandardFontNames.Times

If it fails try g.FontName = “Times New Roman”

I removed the local fonts, then changed all the fontnames to times, then to liberationsans and liberationserif. Neither one worked. Will try Times New Roman next.

g.FontName = “Times New Roman” does not work either. Apparently Xojo does not recognize the path to the fonts. May have to move this app to a Windows computer in our office rather than a VPS.

Did you try calling the PDFDocument.AddFonts Shared Method?

Just FYI, renaming the font files doesn’t actually change the font names that they reference.