SVG support?

[quote=106123:@Eduardo Gutierrez de Oliveira]I had read somewhere that Object2D was being deprecated.

It has not been to date… I checked both the docs and the deprecation page on teh website… Where did you hear that?

If Xojo Inc decides to do that, it would be a big problem!!!

  • Karen

[quote=106176:@Karen Atkocius]It has not been to date… I checked both the docs and the deprecation page on teh website… Where did you hear that?

If Xojo Inc decides to do that, it would be a big problem!!!

  • Karen[/quote]

To be honest, I might have had that misunderstood back from when PICT was first said to be deprecated. I’ve been using fonts for vector graphics for so long I haven’t revisited Object2D in a while.

It is not.

I just voted for this case (10931) and is now ranked #20. Thanks all!

Added it as my second “Top Case”, now ranked 17th!


Now 15th

+1 – 12th !

Awesome everyone!!! This is a must need for properly working with images.

Absolutely… and a great choice for cross platform environments.

wow :slight_smile:


With the move into retina screens and Web Applications vector images just makes sense.

Honestly anyone could write this
SVG is just XML and anyone can read / write object2ds to / from XML

The things we tend to put in the framework is stuff that users can’t do for themselves
Or can’t do without massive hacks that would be fragile

The Tiny SVG spec is really something that can be done today by any of you
Or group of you

[quote=120790:@Norman Palardy]Honestly anyone could write this
SVG is just XML and anyone can read / write object2ds to / from XML

The things we tend to put in the framework is stuff that users can’t do for themselves
Or can’t do without massive hacks that would be fragile

The Tiny SVG spec is really something that can be done today by any of you
Or group of you[/quote]

Maybe. But would it not be nice to have that built in like PICT in the past ? Especially with direct generation of a 2D.

It’d be nice to have a lot of things built in.
But the reality is that we do have to pick & choose what we do / don’t put into the product and frameworks.
Everything we add has a cost in supporting it.
When the answer is “anyone could write this” that tends to push its possibility & priority of making it into the framework lower because “anyone could write this”.

[quote=120805:@Norman Palardy]It’d be nice to have a lot of things built in.
But the reality is that we do have to pick & choose what we do / don’t put into the product and frameworks.
Everything we add has a cost in supporting it.
When the answer is “anyone could write this” that tends to push its possibility & priority of making it into the framework lower because “anyone could write this”.[/quote]

Tell you what. If it is so terribly easy, why not give us mere mortals some sample code to go on ?

[code]Dim xmlFile As FolderItem
xmlFile = GetOpenFolderItem("")

If xmlFile <> Nil Then
Dim xml As New XmlDocument(xmlFile)
Catch e As XmlException
MsgBox("XML error: " + e.Message)
End Try
End If

// now parse the XML from the SVG into O2D
// based on a subset of ( see sec 9)
// left as an exercise for the reader :slight_smile:

[quote=120810:@Norman Palardy][code]Dim xmlFile As FolderItem
xmlFile = GetOpenFolderItem("")

If xmlFile <> Nil Then
Dim xml As New XmlDocument(xmlFile)
Catch e As XmlException
MsgBox("XML error: " + e.Message)
End Try
End If

// now parse the XML from the SVG into O2D
// based on a subset of ( see sec 9)
// left as an exercise for the reader :slight_smile:

Thank you Norman :slight_smile:


Xojo is supposed to be a RAD environment, and Xplatform support for vector pictures is something commonly needed… and higher density displays are going to make them real necessity for a RAD environment soon.

Not everyone has the time to learn the spec and do it. And community projects rarely have long term support and many users are not that connected to the community. Also non-obvious changes in Xojo could break such things. Such a basic need should to be subject to all that and in any case should be integrated into the framework to be co-equal with teh other picture formats in Xojo picture APIs.

So an Xplatform vector picture format that at least SOME other apps also support is something that most definitely belongs in the framework IMO, and obviously many others think so.

I think you misread me if you thought I said it won’t make it there or its not needed
I wouldn’t fundamentally disagree that it could make its way there

What I said is IF you need this TODAY you can write it without any intervention/assistance from us
Nothing more - nothing less

Norman I just saw your posting on the code snippet and that look interesting. Thank you for sharing!!