That’s a very valid question. You should open a new thread and ask Christian directly about it. He’s very responsive and I’m sure you’ll get an answer quickly.
We don’t have a license server and our Xojo plugins don’t call back.
License check happens only locally.
Thanks for the clarification! I do like the plugins and still have them, I just haven’t used them for my public projects. I might in the future though now that it’s been removed from the license and confirmed!
I’m pretty sure MBS plugins have never “phoned home” to check the license.
Then can you clarify the meaning of the text he quoted?
It’s boilerplate. Unless I’m mistaken, MBS doesn’t check for update or collect usage statistics either.
I think Christian already did?
Perhaps, but he really should make it very clear (which might mean removing said boilerplate). It’s not a great look, especially with all the data breaches and remote monitoring that occur these days.
If you read the post the boilerplate was removed (live site does not have it) and the link posted is from a web archive.
It seems this has been removed since then so it could be different now[/quote]
Edit: but this is off-topic (sorry about that)
Since I’ve done a LOT of work on accounting apps over the years I went to the spotlight authors website just to see what they’ve done. I didn’t see a single screenshot of their accounting app. To me that was an instant disqualifier. I’m not going to download an app without some screenshots to gauge fitness.