SimDesignerCanvas Control v1.5 Available

@Matthew Combatti
do you have any news for us?

The EyeCandy controls are complete. The “Template Generator” application is still being tested. Two options currently exist. Templates by selecting colors and options (ie rounded, beveled, curve height/width, etc), and templates by using existing images and allowing the user to alter them in the Template Generator before ‘compiling’ the copy-paste code to render all controls. Some testers have requested XML-based template files as well, so that the controls can take on new appearances at runtime per user-selection (ie menu, dropdown, etc). Most likely, the Template Generator will be made Open Source to allow a wider development. My SGen contract is almost up, so I will be able to devote 100% back to the community rather than poking in and out as I have for the last few months :-/ It ended last month, but the extension clause has bound me to another 15 days. Come on March 1st! :slight_smile:

I found the SimDesignerCanvas a few weeks ago, took a closer look at the demo and :: I BOUGHT IT.

Fantastic moduls to incooperate in my projects, almost everything is done I was thinking about for month :wink:

Some suggestions: An option to use SDC as a vector-grafic-environment (with Object2Ds) will be nice :slight_smile:
Maybe with grouping …

And after all, a printpreview before printing out would be the final point on the i !

Thank You Matthew for this great work, help me a lot.

[quote=84081:@Matthew Combatti]Each canvasobject can store as many tags/properties as you like in the form of a dictionary; which can store any datatype or direct reference to a class/object (even recordsets).

See CanvasObject.Property.Value(“anything”) = Any text/class/object.

If you need help in the actual setup, or need a demonstration, I’d be glad to do either. Perhaps you could elaborate a little bit of what you intend? If you are looking to convert user drawn text to digitized text, I have experimental online OCR (Optical Character Reeading) classes I’d be glad to share as well. The “translation” confused me slightly. But I’d love to get as many demonstrations out there as possible, as the Control’s capabilities really are endless. Not only can each canvasobject have its own properties, each designer canvas can store properties as well. For example, if each canvasobject represented a student each with their own properties and abilities, the container designer canvas could be the school or a class, with its own properties; in essence which could effect each student, or interact with each student based on “its” own properties. Everything is object oriented and remains in a hierarchical architecture… which is what makes managing the canvasobjects so easy. Im trying to finish up the custom control demo which I’ll post soon showing all sorts of custom tabs, buttons, breadcrumb bars, scroll bars, accordions, and how to embed other control objects inside canvas objects. :-)[/quote]

thanks for your information, it’s useful.

Link its not working neither Mac neither Windows :frowning: :frowning:

You can buy it from here… I’m sure somewhere on that site is a demo of it, but I really couldn’t be bothered to look (sorry, I’m lazy :wink: )

[quote=343472:@shao sean]You can buy it from here… I’m sure somewhere on that site is a demo of it, but I really couldn’t be bothered to look (sorry, I’m lazy :wink: )
It looks so good!!! Thanks

May I urge caution

Please explain.

The level and regularity of support are just as important as the looks. Maybe more, actually.