Show a window from a modal dialog

[quote=428553:@Michel Bujardet]I see a solution in plain Xojo that should work Xplat :

Instead of using a dialog, use a false modal :

Grab the screen content, then pop a window, maximize it and use the grabbed picture of the screen.

Then display a regular window instead of the dialog. Since the maximized window will prevent clicking underneath, the regular window is the only place where click has effect. So it behaves like a modal.

From that regular window, you can show any window or dialog you want.

When closing the false modal, close the maximized false screen background.[/quote]

Are you serious? :smiley:

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I know. You have a talent for sarcasm.

Sorry for trying to help.

Note for oneself : Ignore Massimo Valle. Not worth it.

[quote=428754:@Michel Bujardet]I know. You have a talent for sarcasm.

Sorry for trying to help.

Note for oneself : Ignore Massimo Valle. Not worth it.[/quote]

Michel, frankly I thought you were kidding with your suggestion.
Thank you for your contribute, anyway.

I slept on this and thought about it again, seems like its a bug as it works in Visual Studio so I made a <>

Thank you Julian, let’s see how Xojo react to this.