Show a webdialog over a webdialog ? possible?

so, I just made a websdk modaldialog control, using @Anthony_G_Cyphers recommendation to use a non visual control. it works fine, and by adjusting the zindex, I am able to position the modal dialog in front of all the other controls in the page. it mimics the xojo webmessagedialog as best as I can.

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using this browser extension : DevTools z-index - Chrome Web Store
I was able to discover that
xojo dialogs use a z-index of 1050
xojo dropdown menus uses a z-index of 1040
all standard elements of a webpage uses a z-index of 1-5

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2021-10-12 23-30-33.2021-10-12 23_32_27.2021-10-12 23_36_11
an extra large modal dialog

You can view the computed values using the browser’s built-in inspector. No need to install browser extensions.

I find it easier to have a table with all the z-indexes