Set the Focus ring around a Canvas at drag 'n' Drop time

[quote=114296:@Rick Araujo]You don’t know what you are talking about, so please, stop.
Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Both have focus control and the visual feedback.
Michel, please, find someone else to bother.[/quote]

Rick, I was originally talking to Emile. Saying to anybody he does know what he is talking about is unnecessarily offensive. So please stop playing bully and we all can work on more positive things than petty squabbles.

Let us agree to disagree and move on. Peace, please.

Hey people, it seems that a while back here in the forum is all reason to be rude and impolite, this is horrible!

Why we do not care to help more and less about looking macho ?

You were insisting in a topic I surely don’t agree, made a proof of concept, asked for analysis, and you come up and say “forget the bug, let’s play workarounds”. Made one. As I felt you inserted noise in the conversation, I opened an isolated thread to with the subject. I got there and inserted the workaround noise again. Then I let it go and made bug report. Then you insisted here against trying to fix things in favor of workarounds. Then I had to be explicit about how this were bothering. And you then started to try to annoy me doing all effort possible to deconstruct the case. You were playing bully, and now are trying to play the victim as you did with Thom. I am patient, forgiver, but I am also frank.


I am not a victim, nor a bully. You are unnecessarily aggressive. Now you got your bug report and vented your anger. Can we close this ridiculous incident ?

You highjacked Emile thread for the need of your immature buoyant demeanor and this is rude.

Muting this thread so you can have it all for you and have the last word, kid :confused: Sure you will not be able to resist :confused:

For unknow reasons, I use that too.

I know it is very difficult to resist, but, please, try to not use the wrong words.

We are here to help each others, not to add angry to angry. Life’s too short to add angry to angry