
I just discovered that code like this one (called in a timer every one sec), causes a major memory-leak.
At present, adding “formatter.release”, the issue disappears. But I’d like to know if there is anything wrong in the way I hand the matter.

//macOSLib 64-bit
dim formatter as new NSDateFormatter
//formatter.Locale = NSLocale.CurrentLocale
formatter.Locale = new NSLocale(myPreferredLanguage)

dim s() as String = formatter.StandaloneWeekdaySymbols


Return s(idx)

macOSLib expects that you will call certain functions “at the right time” as some classes adhere to the policy of “the owner retains and releases this”
theres a document that outlines how ObjC functions are named and when the oner must retain and release things
macOSLib adheres to this as well

Thank you for the explanation.
BTW: It is not that I doubted the soundness of macOSLib’s contributors; I just wanted to be sure that what I’m doing is the right way to implement it. And from what you wrote, it seems so.