Runtime crash due to unversioned lib crypto dylib

We had this problem before: App Store Rejection for using libcrypto.dylib

My solution is to use libcrypto35 -. this one is available on macOS 10.11 up to 11.x

Find the places where you use libcrypto (as Sam already guessed it will be in the app store receipt module) and replace it with libcrypto35

#if TargetMacOS then
  Declare Function d2i_PKCS7_fp Lib "/usr/lib/libcrypto.35.dylib" (fp As Integer, p7 As Ptr) As Ptr
  declare sub PKCS7_free lib "/usr/lib/libcrypto.35.dylib" (p7 as Ptr)
  declare function OBJ_obj2nid lib "/usr/lib/libcrypto.35.dylib" (ASN1_OBJECT as Ptr) as int32
  declare function ASN1_get_object lib "/usr/lib/libcrypto.35.dylib" (ByRef pp as Ptr, ByRef plength as integer, _
  ByRef ptag as Int32, ByRef pclass as Int32, omax as integer) as int32
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