Rude awakening regarding Metal

Forth was awesome. So was the amiga… 68000 architecture… Motorola. Big Endians.
It’s about time the industry had a bit of an upheaval…
I feel like we haven’t moved passed the 386, all we have now are cores of these older processors.
Anybody remember Occam and Transputers?

Guys, don’t hijack the thread - open your own “my hardware and me are older than you and yours” thread …

Anyone know of a reference to information for what specifically in OpenGL broke in Mojave?

Maybe ?

the rest are just “we’re getting rid of opengl and opencl so move to metal”

For me what broke was the locations, so only content from the bottom left corner would be displayed, but stretched over the entire canvas. It was fixed in one point release, only to be broken again in another. Rule of the thumb: As it’s deprecated engineering are not going to dedicate time to fixing bugs.

The long and the short of it is that OpenGL is finished on the Mac, even if you work around the bugs today, there could me more tomorrow, and at some point the entire OpenGL library will be removed.

Probably a very dumb question, but is it possible to bring in your own library / plugin?

Do you mean like to use your own OpenGL plugin/library in your application.
