Remote Debugging speedup?

[quote=160647:@Greg O’Lone]Keep in mind that more code is included in the build when debugging, and that the protocol for transferring an app for remote debugging is not a simple TCP transfer. I suspect that the majority of the time is spent combining the parts of the build into a single file. Remember, gzip doesn’t compress folders. We have to use another format (like TAR) to get all of those pieces into a single file first, and we need to do this regardless of whether we’re going to compress it. If you’ve ever downloaded the source code for an app on OS X or Linux, you may have noticed that it had a .tgz or a .tar.gz extension. That’s what this is.

All that said, until yesterday there wasn’t a feedback case about this (which I filed myself because there wasn’t one) and looked into it, and it looks like there is more room for some improvement.

One thing to keep in mind… Remote Debugger Stubs before v1.9 did not support gzip compression, and there was very little done at that time. You could certainly grab the stub from IDE version 2012r1 and try that out if you’d like to see what the transfer is like without gzip.[/quote]

Thanks for the explanation. I really didn’t think there was a Q&D improvement just waiting in the wings :slight_smile: Any incremental improvement helps so I hope something comes of the FB. Right now the remote session overall speed is easily tolerable for me, but like Merv I recall faster response from RB in the past. C’est la vie.