RecordSet Deprecated

You say it is returning an error on the first line but not what the error is. Exactly what error are you getting?

Found the issue. My collection of Text fields (txtPersonne) the index numbering changed all by it self. No idea how, didnt even think to check the numbering. But in the my code example txtPersonne(0)…(3) no long existed.
Now I would really like to know how it changed. Anyway no error message was raise stating that the item didnt exist or anything. I mean the debugger stopped on the error, and the debugger tells me if I havent declared a variable . Any way situation solved for now.

thats kind of disconcerting that your control set may have been broken by simply updating

edit : ran a quick little test and I cant get the IDE to mess up a control set
Would be good to figure out what happened to know if it was IDE caused or not

Ok so I have changed over to rowset without issue completely now.
I have one question about selects with a join, and the select is working fine. How do i get the rowset result in to the text fields on the form from the rowset selected. I am guessing the rowset result selected items must be unique fields names.

EG: Select P., D. from Personne P, PERDAYS D where P.ID = D.ID

My Code is like:
txtPersonne(0).value = recdata.Column(“Surname”).stringvalue
txtPersonne(1).value = recdata.column(“GivenNames”).StringValue
txtPersonne(2).value = recdata.column(“Address1”).StringValue
txtPersonne(3).value = recdata.column(“Address2”).StringValue
txtPerdays(0).value = recdata.Column(“Monday”).stringvalue
txtPerdays(1).value = recdata.Column(“Tuesaday”).stringvalue
txtPerdays(2).value = recdata.Column(“Wednesday”).stringvalue

The only way I could get it to work was without using the join and a second select and rowset below.

txtPersonne(0).value = recdata.Column(“Surname”).stringvalue
txtPersonne(1).value = recdata.column(“GivenNames”).StringValue
txtPersonne(2).value = recdata.column(“Address1”).StringValue
txtPersonne(3).value = recdata.column(“Address2”).StringValue

txtPerdays(0).value = recdata2.Column(“Monday”).stringvalue
txtPerdays(1).value = recdata2.Column(“Tuesaday”).stringvalue
txtPerdays(2).value = recdata2.Column(“Wednesday”).stringvalue

Any help would be great, the later is working but it is not a good practice.
THX :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This caused me a lot of problems. Thanks for the info.