MacDirID is only used to check if two paths are pointing to the same file. Comparing paths is not 100% safe due the possibility of symlinks in the path components. E.g, /var/ and /private/var/ point to the same folder, and to any files therein. Without the DirID, detecting that is not guaranteed by Xojo. For example:
dim f1 as FolderItem = GetFolderItem("/var/tmp/aa") // uses symlinks
dim f2 as FolderItem = GetFolderItem("/private/var/tmp/aa") // symlink-free
dim p1 as String = f1.NativePath
dim p2 as String = f2.NativePath
While this test shows that NativePath returns the symlink-free value of a symlink-using path, suggesting I could just compare the paths instead of MacDirIDs, the problem is that this is not documented, and everyone at Xojo keep telling us that we may not make such assumption only on empirical data (ever tried to get a confirmation that using “for each” on an array uses a predictable order?). So, I’m playing safe here by using the DirID that is safe by Apple’s specs. Change the code to using only the NativePath or URLPath at your own risk.
The MacType value is something that is stored - optionally - in Zip files. Hence, I cannot simply remove its use, no matter that it’s declared doomed by Xojo. Only if you decide you do not need MacBinary support in Zip files, you can remove the entire code of that deprecation warning bothers you.
The other deprecation warnings remain in my lib for now because I like to keep supporting older Real Studio versions.