Property Comments

I cannot find any mention of this in the documentation
But while it may not be documented putting documentation in there for a property is retained as a note as part of the property

there are other items where this could be used but isnt

simply put notes in one and save as text and you will see it like

	#tag Property, Flags = &h0
		#tag Note
		#tag EndNote
		Untitled As Integer
	#tag EndProperty

the editor itself could be set up to not try and syntax color the notes you put in there (which is why you see keywords get upppercased like they are

constants dont support anything like this

I have seen this for years, I guess, but it never really penetrated my consciousness as to what this might be for. Not as accessible as the other location, but good for those of us wary about breaking rules in the computer space where your hand gets slapped so often.