Project Recovery After IDE Crash Still Not Working

Feedback Case Number: 57884

Autorecovery of unsaved project files after an IDE crash was lost with 2019r2.
It is now missing for more than one year as I just experienced with 2020r2.
I feel this is a serious regression and wish that the ticket would get some attention soon.


Jesus saves. Always.

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Obviously he will be the only saviour. One year later, no change. Like just experienced. :weary:

Same here on Windows 10

I wouldn’t mind seeing some auto-save features in the future, or auto-save when clicking the run option to debug your app… That would be awesome! :slight_smile:

This is literally one line of code:

DoCommand "SaveFile"


Forgive me… I’m new here… But where can I do that DoCommand? I want the IDE to save my work for me. Is there something I can setup to do that based on what you sent with the DoCommand “SaveFile” ??

Ok, this has just opened a whole new can of worms for me… I just found IDE Scripting window and I’m now reading docs on this. I’m scared! :slight_smile:

I got a T-Shirt like this…
Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-31 um 10.42.09


You can do a lot with IDE scripting. My main app has a dozen IDE scripts. And then there is the IDE communicator for building multiple apps.

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Real men/women don’t do backups.
But for that they cry very often. :sweat_smile:


Yea, I’m finishing up on the Webinar that Xojo did back in 2014 about the IDE Scripting. How after 2 months am I just finding out about this?? lol

So just to update you: Yes, IDE commands can be quite handy. I usually do not want to save every test code I write, and Xojo used to be quite stable until 2019r2 when it lost its AutoRecovery feature. That meant the IDE noticed it had crashed and offered to reconstruct the latest version – at maximum you lost a few lines of code. And if that did not work, you could close the project and reload it from the latest intentional save.

According to @Greg_O_Lone, this regression was fixed in March this year but was never verified and did not make its way into a release. Because the case was closed already, it maybe never will if not reinspected.



I just lost 2 hours of work. Sloppy on my part, I know it was my fault. Didn’t know about IDE scripting. Sounds cool. However, I have to admit, I was not aware this functionality was not working because I mostly work in older versions. Lately I have been trying to start new projects in the most current version I have licensed so far. Wish I had seen this sooner, maybe I would have been more mindful about saving.

Xojo is such an incredibly capable product.

It is stunning that this is fixed but not rolled out in 2022R4 or prior. I hope that it wasn’t just an oversight and there’s a real technical hurdle to overcome. Touching this in the hopes it gets some real attention.

It is sad to see it was scheduled for 2022r4. It was for r3 too, so … :zipper_mouth_face:

This response is a little bit off topic but hopefully it’s worth saying (and worth reading):

Ulrich, I understand what you’re saying. I studied the bug reports before I posted. I tried to be a little critical, which is warranted I think, but I also think it’s important for us to realize that this product has incredible surface area and while the team at Xojo is obviously incredibly talented and capable, they are a small team.

I wrote several versions of my post, trying to strike a balance that was as much cheerleader as critic. I think that’s the approach that it behooves the community to take. We need to cheer on the folks at Xojo, who are patching our huge surface area as fast as they can. I am pretty sure their experiences as developers is similar to ours, in that some things take longer than others and it isn’t always obvious how that is going to play out.

The functionality in the code I wrote and lost in that two hours was incredible. When I went to bed last night I was thinking how incredible my productivity was last night, going from zero to halfway done (on a project I had been thinking about for months) in maybe three hours. I am far from an expert developer but I don’t know what other product I could have worked in that would have given me the productivity I got overall. Xojo is awesome.

Let’s not get bogged down in criticism, let’s just ask for the help we need: Xojo folks, please fix this! :slight_smile: Hopefully it’s OK to do so in this forum.

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I just double-checked Issue 66851 regarding this and the auto restore feature seems to be working as expected in 2022r3.2 and 2022r4. I tried both macOS and Windows.

If you’ve been bitten by auto restore not working, please review 66851 and add any other information you might have.

It turns out that the auto restore feature was working perfectly here on our internal machines, but not on external machines, which explains why we could never reproduce it.

Anyway, with help from @Ulrich_Bogun and @anon20074439 I was able to pinpoint the issue, so now 66851 is fixed.


@Paul_Lefebvre It would be interesting to know if the fact it was working internally and not externally was due to configuration or just coincidental.