Program freeze when reaching these lines...

[quote=156920:@Jakob Krabbe]It’s something for Appleusers, right!?
One day I may be one in the crowd! :-)[/quote]

Negative, its written for xojo in general

Well… You pointed him to the iBook-Store, which IS only usable for Apple users (IOS or Mac OS X).

@Jakob Krabbe
The book is also available as PDF, see

[quote=156933:@Marcus Kuba]Well… You pointed him to the iBook-Store, which IS only usable for Apple users (IOS or Mac OS X).

@Jakob Krabbe
The book is also available as PDF, see[/quote]
Thank you! I’ve downloaded those to read… (in bed or when Internet freak out.) There are very many pages and I think I eventually will reach to the information! :slight_smile: