I am glad to see Antonio applied exactly the same technique I was desperately trying to describe. Apparently, he was kind enough to write the code for you.
[code]Function CancelLoad(URL as String) Handles CancelLoad as Boolean
//Divido l’URL per ottenere il nome del file
Dim URLParts() As String=URL.Split("/")
Dim fName As String=URLParts(URLParts.Ubound)
//Divido il nome per ottenere l’estensione
//Se non ha estensione allora non un file da scaricare (non lo posso riconoscere)
if URLParts.Ubound>0 then
Dim estensione As String=URLParts(URLParts.Ubound)
If accept.IndexOf(estensione)>-1 Then
Dim f As FolderItem
//Chiedo dove salvare il file, se il salvataggio in posizione fissa allora posso assegnare direttamente il valore a f
Dim w As New SaveAsDialog
w.Title="Salva l'allegato come"
w.PromptText="Salva come"
If f<>Nil Then
Dim wd As New wDownLoadProgress("Scarico "+fName+"", URL, f)
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
End If
//Non ho fatto nulla chiamo l’evento standard
Return CancelLoad(URL)
End Function
3 things happens with Antonio kindness :
- Get problem solved
- I can learn different ways to make pizza, from a very good pizza maker
- You figure out what can be the third…
FWIW the reason I never* give out code is because it doesn’t help teach anything, it’s just the answer. I don’t want to become people’s personal coder (unless they’re going to pay me for it).
That was part of the issue. I could have written an entire book about what should be done, that was not enough apparently.
There are programmers that create code. There are others that simply copy and paste snippets.
Tim i respect your point of view, but i do not want to start a topic for this.
Everybody can choose the way, that think is better to teach or learn.
[quote=327873:@Michel Bujardet]That was part of the issue. I could have written an entire book about what should be done, that was not enough apparently.
There are programmers that create code. There are others that simply copy and paste snippets.[/quote]
There are teachers that thinks that can be teach…so we can go over and over and over.
Please stop it is not necessary. If i touched your ego , so sorry for that.
Ad finally just to recall your request:
[quote=327861:@Michel Bujardet]It is customary in this forum to post the final solution to a question.
Please, enlighten us, and post the code that you got from the good teachings of Antonio, so we all learn.[/quote]
There are programmers that create code. There are others that simply copy and paste snippets.[/quote]
so what you need for the Antonio code?
so what you need for the Antonio code?[/quote]
In fact, I was hurt because I tried all I could to explain to you what to do in the clearest way possible. Yet, you seemed dismayed, and even went to the Spanish channel explaining that nobody had given you any solution.
Muchas gracias por este reconocimiento.
Then you come back and tell :
You had the solution all along. You simply did not want, or could not, implement it. You needed someone to write the code for you.
Antonio code is living proof that you were taking all who tried to help for a ride.
I rest my case.
Im sorry but you should read better my spanish sentence and maybe Javier can help.
What i said is that i have not solved my problem, and is different on what your are trying to pointing out.
I said “Con el ingls me fue mal ya que no pude solucionar mi duda/problema” ( i translate for you) :
“With english i did bad because i could not to solve my doubt/problem” so im talking about me . not about you or somebody in this topic. Language barrier…
If this can make your day o feel you better, i could not implement your solution because i do not see clearly at first sight , in the first instance. Not everybody are fast in learning as your are.
And finally i want to ask you in very friendly way: Did you born a programmer? If yes good for you, im not been so lucky. If not. i believe when you decide to be one, you read and copy snippets from more experienced people as everybody did at the beginning, so please take it easy.
I have purchased all the books from Xojo library, in order to learn on my own, and there are many example on it, so standing on your point of view, those books are helpless because shows snippets or codes in order to learn and get familiar with XOJO code.
Even you are selling [quote]“The unencrypted source code version is $149.95 only, Version 1 lifetime licensing.
Download immediately the complete source code and modify it any way you need.
Instant download.”[/quote] so do not be ipocrite please.
You want to teach how to fish, but seems you do not how to do it…
Look. Civilized people say thank you to people who tried to help. You are getting way out of order now. One thing is for sure, you have a very strange way to encourage people to help. Please stop.
Now I am going to set the forum to ignore your posts. I had enough.
i did but you do not listen…
This topic has run its course. Locking now.