Printing in a multi printer setup - best approach ?

this is the result of hard work on this forum…
enjoy !

[code]Public Function SystemCountPrinters() as Integer
’ returns the number of defined printers on the running system

Return UBound(mPrinters)+1

End Function

global in a module :

Public Property mPrinters() as PrinterDefinition
Structure PrinterDefinition
  printerName as string*80
  printerModel as string*50
  printerURI as string*127
End Structure

[code]Public Sub SystemScanPrinters()
ReDim mPrinters(-1)
dim p as PrinterDefinition

’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
’ search for the available printers on the host system
’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim myShell as new shell
#if TargetMacOS or TargetLinux
myShell.Execute “lpstat -p”
#Elseif TargetWindows
myShell.Execute “wmic printer get name,default”
dim result as String = myShell.Result
dim reslines() as String = result.ReadFields(EndOfLine)

for each line as String in reslines
#if TargetMacOS or TargetLinux
p.printerName = MotNumero(line,2)
mPrinters.Append p
#Elseif TargetWindows
p.printerName = MotNumero(line,2)
if p.printerName<>“Name” then
mPrinters.Append p
end if


’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
’ search for the printer model
’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
’ search for the printer URI
’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

End Sub

and the final one :

[code]Public Sub SystemSetDefaultPrinter(aPrinterName as String)
if UBound(mPrinters)<0 then
end if

if UBound(mPrinters)>=0 then
dim printer,foundPrinter as PrinterDefinition

' recherche l'imprimante
for each printer in mPrinters
  if printer.printerName = aPrinterName then
    foundPrinter = printer
    Exit For
  end if

if foundPrinter.printerName<>"" then
  dim myShell as new shell
  #if TargetMacOS or TargetLinux
    myShell.Execute "lpoptions -d "+aPrinterName
  #Elseif TargetWindows
    myShell.Execute "wmic printer where name='"+aPrinterName+"' call setdefaultprinter"
  Alerte "SystemSetDefaultPrinter: Printer "+aPrinterName+" is unknown."
end if

Alerte “SystemSetDefaultPrinter: No printer defined.”
end if

End Sub