PopupMenu with Icons ?

Would it be possible to use Font Awesome? http://fontawesome.io/icons/

That might make it possible to include icons, but not specific images…

[quote=306733:@Hal Gumbert]Would it be possible to use Font Awesome? http://fontawesome.io/icons/

That might make it possible to include icons, but not specific images…[/quote]

I use FontAwesome in other languages all the time (including in my HTML - which I know is not a programming language). I love FontAwesome.

Just a small detail. On Mac, emojis are in color. Which is not the case for emojis on other platforms, as well as Fontawesome.

I would tend to go for Sames RetinaKit if you absolutely want your own icon in a PopupMenu.

Although for myself, I have also replaced it by a button and listbox, so I can have all sorts of fonts, and of course icons.

Would it surprise you if I said “with the right declares, you too can have custom fonts in a Popupmenu”?

It’s a bit of a slog, but doable… if people are interested I can do a Popupmenu article for xDev :slight_smile:

I think @Marc Zeedar would love for you to write it.

He’s not the only one :wink:

[quote=306864:@Sam Rowlands]Would it surprise you if I said “with the right declares, you too can have custom fonts in a Popupmenu”?

It’s a bit of a slog, but doable… if people are interested I can do a Popupmenu article for xDev :)[/quote]

I admire your mastery.

But I have to admit I would probably not use it. The more I go, the less I use popupmenus in favor of plain ListBox. Somehow, I find this control very old fashion.

Would also make a nice article.