Please, may help translating some strings?

v2. More contexts.

In Brazilian Portuguese few of those need a bit more context to be more precise, so I’ll add few more options for context:

Undo - Desfazer
Board Size - Tamanho do Quadro
Panel Size (as in a control panel) - Tamanho do Painel
Game board size - Tamanho do Tabuleiro
Items Size - Tamanho dos Itens
Zoom - Zoom
Window Size - Tamanho da Janela
Page Change - Troca de Pgina
To Change the Page - Trocar Pgina
To modify the page - Alterar Pgina
Undo the page modification - Desfazer Alterao da Pgina
Board Position - Posio do Quadro
Game board position - Posio do Tabuleiro
Panel Position - Posio do Painel
Adding Item (action in progress) - Adicionando Item
To add an Item - Adicionar Item
To Undo an “Item add” - Desfazer Adio de Item
Deleting Items (action in progress) - Deletando Itens
To Delete Items - Deletar Itens
To Undo Item deletes - Desfazer Delees de Itens
Cut - Cortar
Paste - Colar

@Chris Verberne

Correct is

Board Size - Afmeting Bord of Grootte bord
Items Size - Afmeting Items of Grootte items
Windows Size - Afmeting Venster of Venstergrootte
Page Change - Wijzigen Pagina
Board Position - Plaats Bord of Bordpositie (aan elkaar !)

(in het Nederlands mag men geen zelfstandige naamwoorden bijvoeglijk gebruiken, een anglicisme …,
typisch Nederlands daarentegen is het weglaten van (van de of van het) )

My knowledge of Dutch is limited but this

seems incorrect to me.


Typically Dutch is the omission of (van de or van het (in this case !) ).

Also oke would be Positie Bord.

In Polish:

Undo - Cofnij
Board Size - Rozmiar planszy (“plansza” means board as in “gra planszowa” = “board game”) or Rozmiar tablicy (tablica = whiteboard, blackboard, tablica rozdzielcza = switchboard, dashboard)
Items Size - Rozmiar elementw
Zoom - Powi?kszenie (property, as in “the zoom is 50%”) or Powi?ksz (“Zoom!” command)
Window Size - Rozmiar okna
Page Change - Zmiana strony (turning to another page, as in the book) or Edycja strony (editing the page)
Board Position - Pozycja planszy or Pozycja tablicy
Adding Item - Dodawanie elementu (the action of adding an item), Dodawanie elementw (adding items), Dodaj element (command, add an item) or Dodaj elementy (add items)
Deleting Item - Usuwanie elementu (the action of deleting an item) or Usuwanie elementw (deleting the items), for command: Usu? element (delete one item) or Usu? elementy (delete items)
Cut - Wytnij
Paste - Wklej

[quote=453846:@J H Timmerman]Typically Dutch is the omission of (van de or van het (in this case !) ).

Also oke would be Positie Bord.[/quote]
I think Bordpositie is a better translation. :wink:

Ah, I see:
“Position des Brettes” (aleman) :slight_smile:

[quote=453845:@Julen Ibarretxe Uriguen]My knowledge of Dutch is limited but this

seems incorrect to me.


In dutch, ‘Plaats Bord’ would be an action to place the board. Also note that the dutch don’t use double capitalisation; so ‘Plaats bord’ would be better for the action to place the board.

If the position of the board is meant, ‘Bordpositie’ or ‘Bordlocatie’ is a correct translation.

Undo - Ongedaan maken
Board Size - Bordgrootte
Panel Size (as in a control panel) - Paneelgrootte
Game board size - Spelbordafmeting
Items Size - Onderdeelgrootte
Zoom - Zoom, Uitvergroting
Window Size - Verstergrootte
Page Change - Paginawijziging
To Change the Page - Wijzig pagina, Verander pagina
To modify the page - Wijzig pagina, Verander pagina
Undo the page modification - Paginawijziging ongedaan maken
Board Position - Bordpositie
Game board position - Spelbordpositie
Panel Position - Paneelpositie
Adding Item (action in progress) - Onderdeeltoevoeging bezig
To add an Item - Onderdeel toevoegen
To Undo an “Item add” - Onderdeeltoevoeging ongedaan maken
Deleting Items (action in progress) - Verwijdering bezig
To Delete Items - Verwijder onderdelen
To Undo Item deletes - Verwijdering ongedaan maken
Cut - Knippen
Copy - Kopiëren
Paste - Plakken

[quote=453732:@Chris Verberne]For Dutch :

Undo - Ongedaan maken
Board Size - Bord afmetingen
Items Size - Items afmetingen
Zoom - Uitvergroten
Window Size - Venster afmetingen
Page Change - Pagina wijziging
Board Position - Bord positie
Adding Item - Item toevoegen
Deleting Item(s) - Item(s) verwijderen
Cut - Knippen
Paste - Plakken

Thank you! - Bedankti

Hope this helps.


Actually… I would use a singular form for most translations. At least, some form that is used in other dutch software.
Especially: afmetingen should be afmeting. But I think Bord grootte, item grootte, etc. is used more often.
Also, pagina wijziging should be Wijzig pagina. I think it would make more sense.

And the type Bedankti should not have an i at the end :wink:

I see a nice translation by Robert Everts :slight_smile: