Picture.SaveAsWindowsBMP not transparent

[quote=131837:@Emile Schwarz]Using an image that have parts of it “transparent” (no color in some part of the image) as Windows XP custom folder leads to these parts with white ;-:slight_smile:

I do not know how to set a custom icon on WIndows 8 / 8.1, yet, so I cannot tell. I will read the shared link (re-read, I already read it, but I was not able to make it work, so I certainly mis-read something or skip a part of the text).[/quote]

You must use a transparent BMP or an ico file to get the transparent background in Windows XP. To get a BMP file with a transparent background, download test-transparent.bmp from Feedback Case #35496. I just set a folder with that picture in Windows XP using the properties/Customize dialog, and it works perfectly. The issue here is that many standard applications do not support 256 indexed colors. Xojo unfortunately, but also Paint .NET . Microsoft Paint does that nicely if you save as BMP and select save as 256 colors. Photoshop also supports that mode.

The Desktop.ini method described on msdn works perfectly, since it uses the same method as what the customize property dialog does. Go step by step and you should be able to apply it.

Simply put, place a Desktop.ini file in the folder, together with the ico or bmp file you want to use for the icon, and place your icon file name as such in the text of it :


For more details about the fields used in Desktop.ini, see http://hwiegman.home.xs4all.nl/desktopini.html

There is no difference in setting the custom folder icon method in XP, Win 7, 8 and 8.1.