Performance issues under 64 bit

Also, wouldn’t it be faster to create a new dictionary insyead of looping trough all vallues and setting them to “”?

There are only about 50 keys in the dictionary, so looping through them all does not take much time.

May or may not apply: I do long complex batch operations on large images and overnight batches slowed to a crawl (unless a user was actually at his Mac using it). Turns out Mac has clever (sarcasm) energy-saving features that decide for you that your code cannot be doing anything important unless a user is sitting at his Mac pressing keys and pushing the mouse around.

The very obscure solution is this:

cmd = "caffeinate -dismu -t " + timeOutInSeconds + " &"

Execute this in a shell before a long batch operation to prevent your process (and all its children) from being throttled down after a while of “inactivity” ie. by the user, even tho your code is busy running all CPUs at full throttle as in my case. The timeOutInSeconds param automatically cancels this “caffeinated state” for your process.

After your batch is done, to explicitly cancel this state before timeOutInSeconds execute:

cmd = "killall caffeinate"


This sounds like “App Nap” getting in the way. The Apple recommended way is to use their API to notify the OS when you’re application explicitly needs performance, and notify it when you no longer need it.

The code for this is available from “Take control of App Nap”.

An even more elegant solution, thx Sam.