Optimizing code...

It’s not json.

Your code looks reasonable, except that you’re not extracting as = xxx. And it might be a little fragile in that it could get “stuck” if the current line is not “PresentationContext” for whatever reason.

[quote=345689:@Markus Winter]Split got a lot slower on 64 bit, and even with recent optimizations it’s still not up to the old speed.

See https://forum.xojo.com/29075-split-function-in-64bit-is-terribly-slow/0[/quote]
Are you saying it is still slower than 32 bit in 2017r2?

[quote=345639:@Brian O’Brien]I’m parsing a log file and extracting bits and pieces from a string that I need to build an object.
Looking at this message it looks like a JSON object to me. I’m wondering…

From here I need to extract id = n as = xxx and a list of ts = yyy

PresentationContext[id = 1, as = 1.2.840.10008. - Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND ts = 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 - Explicit VR Little Endian ts = 1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian ]

[code]Sub Constructor(logLines() as String, byref currentLine as Integer)
dim l, ts as string
dim le, ri as integer

l = logLines(currentLine)
if l.InStr(“PresentationContext[”) <> 0 then

le = l.InStr(" = ") + 3  // id is just beside the first =
ri = l.InStr(",") -1       // id is just before the first ,
id = l.Mid(le, ri-le+1).CLong  // id is between these two.

le = l.InStr(" - ") + 3
AbstractSyntax = l.Mid(le)

currentLine = currentLine + 1

while currentLine < logLines.Ubound
  l = logLines(currentLine)
  if l.InStr("  ]") <> 0 then
    le = l.InStr(" - ") + 3
    ts = l.Mid(le)
  end if
  currentLine = currentLine + 1

end if

End Sub[/code][/quote]

Couple of suggestions:

  1. Calculate logLines.Ubound outside of the loop or possibly outside of the function.
  2. You are calculating id but I don’t say it being used anywhere.
  3. If your text is 100% valid ASCII or UTF-8 replace your string functions (Instr / Mid etc…) with the B versions.
  4. Use pragmas.