Obfuscating Code

Not to spoil Arbed, which is a really nice tool that every Xojo developer should have, here it’s an IDE script which makes a very basic string obfuscation.

Just select the string to obfuscate in code editor and run the script.

  // simple string obfuscation
  dim selectedText as string
  dim obfuscatedText as string
  dim obfuscChar as string
  dim obfuscLineLen as integer
  dim selectionStart as integer
  dim currentCode as string
  dim ascValue as integer
  dim i, n as integer
  const MAX_LINE_LEN = 80
  if selLength > 0 then
    selectedText = selText
    selectionStart = selStart
    if selLength > 1 and left(selectedText, 1) = """" and right(selectedText, 1) = """" then
      selectedText = mid(selectedText, 2, len(selectedText) - 2)
    end if
    n = len(selectedText)
    for i = 1 to n
      if obfuscLineLen > MAX_LINE_LEN then
        obfuscLineLen = 0
        obfuscatedText = obfuscatedText + " _" + endOfLine
      end if
      if obfuscatedText <> "" then
        obfuscatedText = obfuscatedText + "+"
        obfuscLineLen = obfuscLineLen + 1
      end if
      ascValue = asc(mid(selectedText, i, 1))
      if ascValue < 128 then
        obfuscChar = "chr(" + str(ascValue) + ")"
        obfuscChar = "encodings.UTF8.chr(" + str(ascValue) + ")"
      end if
      obfuscLineLen = obfuscLineLen + len(obfuscChar)
      obfuscatedText = obfuscatedText + obfuscChar
    selText = obfuscatedText
    currentCode = Text
    i = selectionStart
    while i > -1
      if mid(currentCode, i, 1) = endOfLine then
        if mid(currentCode, i-1, 1) <> "_" then
        end if
      end if
      i = i -1
    currentCode = left(currentCode, i) _
    + "// obfuscated string = " + selectedText + endOfLine _
    + mid(currentCode, i+1)
    Text = currentCode
  end if