Numeric limitations in Xojo, Ideas?

[quote=428138:@Ivan Tellez]I can emutalte the functionality using the Operator_Convert However, with a Operator_Convert with Integer and other with Double, xojo says “There is more than one item with this name and it’s not clear to which this refers” Even if doing with a DECLARED variable Like:
Dont use Integer - use Int32 and Int64 specifically
That should work better
Same for Uint - use Uint32 and Uint64

It doen’t work either, I made another test with Double, Int32 and Int64 but Xojo still says that can’t tell the difference, not even if I pass a variable insted of a value. “There is more than one item with this name and it’s not clear to which this refers.”

This only happens on the Operator_Convert, Using constructors, it works, and Xojo can tell the difference there :frowning: