Near North Screenshots - Xojo app released

Here’s what Arq backup looks like:

With this tool, the options are even slimmer, so you could theoretically make it a hierarchal listbox:

- Year
  - Month
    - Day
    - Day
    - Day
    - Day
  - Month
    - Day
- Year
  - Month
    - Day
    - Day
    - Day

But if you want to learn about custom drawing, there’s no reason you can’t try the time machine approach :slight_smile:

Yes, I was also thinking along those lines. It is pretty easy to implement.

Although the description is a little sketchy about what the program actually does (a very common problem these days) I’m guessing it just takes screen caps all day at intervals, which is kind of a cool idea, as I also sometimes have trouble remembering how much time I spent on various projects at the end of a day. I often look at my incoming and outgoing emails, but for it to truly work for me it’d need to take photos of my workbench and screen shots of my other computer as well :slight_smile:

I’m in the same group as Julia. I work on anywhere from 3 to 15 computers every day. Luckily, I’m the boss, so I don’t need to track what I do specifically :).