MacOS Ventura Stage Manager Bug or My Bug?

One way I see to resolve this is to use a single MODAL window with a PagePanel -

Display Main MODAL dialog
If user chooses exit, close window
If user chooses next step, change page value to new info/form
Get user’s choice
Close MODAL window

Thanks Tim. There are many ways to work around the problem that I found. Your suggestion sounds like a good one. I’ve already thought of many other ways I could re-design my program so as NOT to have a modal dialog call a modal dialog, but that begs the question as to why what I found is happening. I’m still very curious if what I found is a bug in Apple’s new Stage Manager code, a bug in Xojo, or just cockpit error on my part. To the point, when a ModalDialog closes, shouldn’t the focus return to whatever window called the ModalDialog in the first place?

Hi all…I thank everyone for their help and suggestions on how to alert Xojo to a possible bug by using the page. I did do this, and though it took a while (and for some reason they didn’t at first see that I had responded to their request for more info, and they closed the issue, but I re-opened it) and they finally came back and changed the flags on the issue page to show that it was a bug, it was in the framework, it was reproducible, and was just relevant to the MacOS side of things. So, thanks to all who helped me alert Xojo to this in the proper way.

Now, I guess I just have to wait and hope that they fix this bug in the next Xojo Mac release! (I’m guessing maybe there’s another flag that might pop on the issue page that says “FIXED” or “FIXED in next release” or something like that.

Report here the issue number so the community could be aware of the details there.

Sorry. Issue #70636. Here’s the link:

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Robin has labeled it. Someone from the engineering team will reevaluate it later (sometimes hours, sometimes days, sometimes never) based on those labels.

You will receive emails of such changes, if or when they occur.

Just to be clear, the fact that the case was set as a reproducible bug by a tester doesn’t mean that it’s in xojo’s framework. He’s just categorizing it so the correct engineer will look at it.

Thanks Greg, I understand. (It could be an Apple Stage Manager bug and nothing wrong with Xojo at all but I’m hopeful the Xojo team will figure out what’s what!)