Mac code sign error

Yup. It’s like getting a root canal or wisdom teeth extracted.

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Uploading to the App Store can also be handled by App Wrapper.

Make sure you’ve registered the bundle identifier with Apple (same portal as certificates), you’ve also created a App Store product on the appstoreconnect site, and filled in all the details.

Then in the Packing pane of App Wrapper, under the “Submit to Apple” section, there’s a checkbox to for the App Store. Now when you wrap an application for the App Store, App Wrapper will upload it for you.

I would also recommend that you use the check function in App Wrapper, as it can check for a bunch of rejection reasons before you submit the application.


…does require a lot of testing… your app will be sandboxed, which means it doesn’t have access to the same folders that a non-sandboxed app will be.
It may not be able to read or write things that you expect, so you have to request permission to do stuff.
Unless you have given thought to this, you may find that what works fine in debug fails unexpectedly in a sandboxed build.


I will offer a useless editorial comment here. I have been using Macs for 30 years. This whole certificate thing is the most confusing and bizarre interaction I have ever had with a computer. Obscure instructions. Error messages. Incomprehensible instructions. I have no idea at the moment whether I have actually succeeded in accomplishing anything. Just trying to get the certificates. I have not actually started on trying to “sign” an app. All so I can distribute a free app.


At one point you are supposed to double-click on a certificate to add it to Keychain Access. For me that fails with an error:

An error occurred. Unable to import “Apple Development: Robert Livingston (3…F)”.

Error: -25294

iCloud Keychain or System Keychain where are things supposed to show up.

Finally under System Keychain I have an entry and I am not sure how it got there because I had so many error messages.

Name Kind
Apple Development: Robert Livingston (3 … F). certificate

But above (in red lettering): X “Apple Development: Robert Livingston (3 … F)” certificate is not trusted.

Wow. This is not a specific Xojo problem and I cannot expect any help from the forum but %#^&^@&!

Delete everything from the keychain and start from scratch.

And yes, everything regarding codesigning sucks.

Apple has updated Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate. Just download the certificate from here and install it. If the it doesn’t works have a look on WWDR Intermediate Certificate Expiration - Support - Apple Developer

Typical of this process, I Googled the red lettering problem and came up on some site with the advice above.

I clicked on the “here” link, download the certificate and instantly the red lettering saying the “certificate is not trusted” was replaced by a green checkbox and the comment — “This certificate is valid.”


This is just another incomprehensible step on this voyage through impenetrable fog. I am doing this process on a new Mac Studio on which I did not use Migration Assistant. So how is Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate out of date!!!

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I agree with @Robert_Livingston. I have a computer science degree, speak English as my first language and have used Macs for decades, yet I too find the Developer Certificate issues for my MAS vs web site apps very confusing. God help those who are developing Apple apps without these benefits.

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Looks like Monterey was installed with the old, outdated ceriticate. As this is only an issue for developers Apple may have forgotten to update it…

Maybe it is helpfull for you to use Xcode to manage your certificates. In Preferences > Apple ID > Team you can manage all your certificates and create new ones…

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Thanks for the commiseration :slightly_smiling_face:
I have seen this abbreviation before but what does MAS stand for in this context?

Mac App Store