Mac App Store

But how long in hours have you spent on this already?
What is your time worth by the hour?
How much frustration has this caused you?

Sam has spent months developing that, working with Apple, updating it each time Apple make some unilateral change.

‘Free’ is often the wrong answer.
You can trim a lawn with scissors for ‘free’, but using a lawnmower makes a lot more sense.
‘Give me what I need for free’ is why so many apps fail in the app store.
Nobody wants to pay for useful stuff any longer.


I’m agree with you @Jeff_Tullin and I have nothing against App Wrapper. I just said that Xojo development is very expensive :moneybag:

If you needed only Mac, then you can buy only Mac for $149.

But if you are serious about selling software, you got to seed to harvest. Of the total you made, App Wrapper is only $49.00. That is the least expensive of all. Seems to me you would save yourself a lot of aggravation with it. I have been selling in the MAS since 2013, and thanks to App Wrapper, I never had to worry about signing. Besides, Sam Rowlands (the author of AW) has an outstanding service.