Locale Linux: challenge with double and periods

So, now that we know that my locales are right on Ubuntu, I changed the code again for testing:

var loc as new Locale("de_DE")
Var percentage As Double = Double.Parse( items(3).left(items(3).Length - 1), loc )
Var test as double = items(3).left(items(3).Length - 1).ToDouble
messageBox(percentage.ToString +";" + test.tostring)

Locally run on macOS, all is fine:

run on my WebServer, the version with the locale is working fine, out-of-the-box conversion ToDouble doesn’t seem to consider the locale at all. The test-parameter is now wrong

Never mind, I’m fine using the locale everywhere, but it seems that something is going wrong here. It can still be my system, would be great if someone else can test this double behavior.

Try regenerating the locales:

Such as how it’s done there showing this link since it’s showing the “de” locale

Thank you,

did that many times and I’m running Ubuntu LTS 20.04. If others are trying this, please note the typo in sudo locale-gen “de_US.UTF-8”. It should read: sudo locale-gen “de_DE.UTF-8”.

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