"Library" of XOJO solutions

Sounds like a good idea. I will happily host this but I think it would need a document manager of some form to format the documents so they have a consistent look and also to update and modify with any feedback given. I just wouldn’t have time for all that but will happily host if someone is willing to coordinate the docs.

I wonder if documents were committed to the repo just as a snippet was but in Markdown format.

Does this have the ability for people to comment on and discuss snippets and in the future articles?

Yes you can comment on Xippets and the author gets notified. Its up to them to amend or modify the Xippet.

You can write a Xippet just as a document it does not even have to contain code. It could be as has been said just a set of instructions or whatever

Ok as an example I have added a category on the Xippets site called Best Practices and Developer Notes.

Take a look, this could quite easily be an area for posting notes such as those Dave mentioned in his OP. I have added a Xippet in this category as an example.

Sub note: The server appears to be running a bit dog slow tonight. First time this has happened in 2 years. Typical

I love the idea of the Xippets desktop. Would be great. But I just discover the Xojo’s developer’s library developed by Matthew Combatti and it is already a great source of information and short example. Any possibility that both solutions interact ?

As for white paper, for me it would be great. Something like “how to implement MacOS ObjC calls that are not yet in MacOS Lib” and then how to share these novel Declares would be very nice. In particular with the soon to arrive iOS framework.