Kudos to Geoff and Xojo

Please don‘t misrepresent those that left - that‘s a bit like talking ill of the dead when they can‘t defend themselves anymore.

Andrew Broughton, Tim Dietrich, Hal Gumbert, Axel Schneider left - and with them important free frameworks like ABmaterials, Aloe, Xanadu moved to Xojo‘s competition.

Bob Keeney has massively reduced his engagement with Xojo as over 200 hours of his tutorial videos as well as important Xojo add-ons like Full Text Control and Shorts have become obsolete. Thankfully Tim Parnell has picked up Argen and ActiveRecord.

There are a LOT of once prominent developers that have left Xojo after the API1 to API2 fiasco. Web1 to Web2 is just more of the same.

But what Xojo did is a self-inflicted wound that massively hurt the whole user community by driving the most engaged and capable people - the Pro developers - away.

Dave S. has shown in the “forum that does not dare speak its name” how to implement a Xojo-like syntax in Apple’s programming language - so it was clearly possible to do that for iOS rather than introduce API2 and make years and years of code base on which developers depend obsolete.

But that continuous unnecessary breaking of user’s code base plus the lack of bug fixes is what obliterates the trust those developers had in Xojo - so they moved away.

To the detriment of most Xojo users.

What. A. Waste.