JQueryUI Library - Drag/Drop, Animations, Custom Menus...

Weird, I just ran the app in debug mode and clicked on the sliders tab. It didn’t crash. Any error or javascript exception or anything?

I’m getting an error on sliders as well (Safari 8.0.8). I’m not seeing an app crash just the typical Javascript error in browser.

The plugin code is referenced here

But my overall question is about integrating plug-ins in general. There seem to be a bunch of good plugins out there so it seems like it might come up.

It’s the JavaScript error window that Xojo kicks up. I’m running the latest Safari under OS X 10.11. I tried to select the text, but it completely locked up the browser when the error happens. Here’s a picture of it:

UPDATE 2015-09-28

It appears Safari wasn’t supporting “nth-of-type” in JQuery. I now use the “eq” selector instead.
I updated the sliders examples to include this change.

[quote=215847:@Brock Nash]In your App.Open you can now force the library to use “jQuery” instead of “$” to avoid conflicts:

jquery.UseJqueryNamespace //Sets the Namespace to "jQuery" instead of "$"

You can use a custom namespace as well:

JQuery.JqueryIndicator = "myjqueryNamespace"

If you want to control the version of Jquery that gets loaded using the JQueryUIHook object call:

JqueryUIHook.includeLibraries = false

then load your own versions of Jquery in the header.[/quote]

it appears that

resize.HandleEast = false
resize.HandleSouth = false

doesn’t have an effect (added to the CCInteractions.shown event)

perhaps they’re non-functional?

I need to implement the getDate method for the datepicker control. Do you know what code should i add?

Ok i figured out. There is a dateselected event from where d as date.

[quote=216767:@Steve Upton]it appears that
resize.HandleEast = false
resize.HandleSouth = false

doesn’t have an effect (added to the CCInteractions.shown event)
perhaps they’re non-functional?[/quote]

Apparently this is a known bug:

I’m working on a solution to overcome this right now :smiley:

UPDATE 2015-09-29

Workaround for JqueryUI framework bug (http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/3423 )
Now shows resizable handles in all corners that are resizable.

Hi Brock Nash,
Do you know how to call JQueryUIDatePicker from a TextField and get the response back. For eg: when i click the TextField, it should popup the JQueryUIDatePicker and when i select the date, then it should show the selected date in the TextField. It should also hide the JQueryUIDatePicker when i click outside the JQueryUIDatePicker control. Like shown here

[quote=217934:@Sunil Abraham]Hi Brock Nash,
Do you know how to call JQueryUIDatePicker from a TextField and get the response back. For eg: when i click the TextField, it should popup the JQueryUIDatePicker and when i select the date, then it should show the selected date in the TextField. It should also hide the JQueryUIDatePicker when i click outside the JQueryUIDatePicker control. Like shown here [/quote]

Use the dateSelected event of the JQueryUIDatePicker control.

In 64bit dataepicker is not working. Do you have any idea?. Its compiling perfectly but does not show the datepicker window. I am working with windows 10.

Haven’t tried these libraries with 64bit or Windows 10, but since this is all Web/Javascript based stuff there is either an issue with Xojo’s 64bit compiler or an issue with Windows 10. Open your browsers debugging tools and look for javascript errors. I’m about to leave for vacation and I don’t have much time to look into this at the present.

do you have new update on your fantastic work?

Hi Brock,
i need to use canvas object in a ResponsiveUI continer but it seems that canvas is not able to retrieve the with of the contairer.
it takes the with of the webpagecontrol that is not rigth.
i must create a webapp that show several images to make a result like

can you help me?
I hope I explained!.
regards Paolo

Please start a new topic for your question.