Is there an equivalent of TextField.LostFocus on iOS

Yes,we might be using old version .
Can you tell me how to convert nsrect to integer so that we can use it to set constraint of view accordingly.

Ulrich… does your solution take into account the fact the user may connect an EXTERNAL keyboard (rendering the height of the virtual keyboard to be ZERO).
In iOS this takes adding a few special notifications to detect a keyboard change (I have some SWIFT code if you like, but won’t post it here in order not to anger the Xojo Deity)

Also, does it take into account that the user may have a 3rd party virtual keyboard with a size different than the built-in one? Not to mention keyboard heights vary as it is based on device and orientation.

[quote=308036:@Dave S]Ulrich… does your solution take into account the fact the user may connect an EXTERNAL keyboard (rendering the height of the virtual keyboard to be ZERO).
Good point, Dave, I haven’t checked this yet, but I thought the notification would report a NSRect.Zerosize in that case. If you could send me the special notifications (I was not aware of them), I’ll check it. Thanks a lot!

[quote=308034:@Nikita Chitnis]
Yes,we might be using old version .
Can you tell me how to convert nsrect to integer so that we can use it to set constraint of view accordingly.[/quote]
The recent version is here:
It may have less controls currently, but they are better structured and aligned with macOS.
NSRect, or in AppleLib rather FoundationFramework.NSRect, is a structure of CGFloats with x, y, width and height.
Basically, as the keyboard appears at the bottom you would have to address the height property, add a few points (the textfield probably should not sit directly on thy keyboard, rather a bit above it) and check if the textfield would be covered by it. You can also convert the NSRect to Xojo.Core.Rect by using the extension method toCoreRect if you prefer native Xojo datatypes and structures.

This is a very useful feature I did not investigate. If I find some time, I’ll try to add all this to the iOSLibTextField class. Currently I am a bit short on time, so please ask me anytime you encounter problems and I’ll try to help you directly.