Is the IDE sluggish?

Which overlap are you referring to here? Everything over the green background?

Also… Good News! I have identified the culprit that is slowing me down, tested and confirmed 100%… A little app called “Hudsight”, which is a gaming gunsight overlay, a freebie. It overlays any window that is active, it pops up in Adobe progs, Msoft, anything.

My little project runs fine otherwise, no speed issues on PC.

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It is moody for me all of the time.

If the RB & Xojo IDE’s were always slow then I would agree with you 100%. However, the RB IDE was never slow for us and the Xojo IDE’s have become slower over time.

I think this points to inefficient code being introduced into the IDE and / or the framework rather than Xojo being unsuitable.

Example. I and others have noticed that selecting items in the navigator and various other places is slow on macOS. If you hide the Xojo toolbar the responsiveness improves. That seems to indicate that the IDE is doing stuff it doesn’t need to (rebuilding the entire toolbar?) or is not doing it in an efficient way.

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Whenever TimeMachine is busy on my HighSierra iMac then Xojo sometimes doesn’t let me edit anything:

Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 13.18.25

Xojo isn’t using any CPU time. But I don’t get a cursor and I can’t type anything. Close + open and then I can edit again.

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My problem is similar to what @Beatrix_Willius describes: I can’t type anything into the editor, never. But only on Xubuntu 21.04 (Ubuntu with Xfce desktop environment). No problems on Ubuntu Studio 21.04 (Plasma Desktop) on the same computer!

So my only explanation is, that is must have to do with installed software, drivers or whatever. Moreover, I use Xubuntu on a regular basis, but Studio only occasionally, and there are much less applications installed.

Some time later … I installed the KDE Plasma desktop environment on Xubuntu to see what happens. Unfortunately, the problem still exists. So I guess, it’s not Xojo’s fault, but there must be something unusual in my operating systems’ configuration, too bad.

Hours later: I have found out that it had to do with the keyboard input method system. It has to be set to none.
