IOException (2) at TextInputStream.Open

Another idea: swap the name of two files (the one with the problem and another one, thus created earlier). Is it still the file with the problematic name that fails, or the other?

Keep the poblematic file name there, inspect it in xojo with 2 lines of code as:

Var f As FolderItem = FolderItem.ShowOpenFileDialog("*.txt")

Run. Inspect “f”. Locate the file, click on “Open”

Let’s see what Xojo sees.

I reverted the name change to the “offending” one yesterday and run the project: everything went OK.

Bad mood ?

Yes, I know, a computer does not have that, but… I only powered off the computer, and let the things alone for many days.

Sometimes that is required, get your mind in the right way. Alternatively invest in a Rubber Duck.
