in-memory database shared between processes

The Aloe Express Server Class is a ServerSocket subclass.
An instance is created in the App.Run Handler which calls the Server.Start
What keeps it alive is this is basically this:


While True

So it is just waiting for and inbound connection which causes the AddSocket Event to fire.

  • karen

Thanks Karen.

[quote=443623:@Karen Atkocius]The Aloe Express Server Class is a ServerSocket subclass.

  • karen[/quote]

Be careful. This could trigger the end-user’s firewall. If they aren’t expecting your app to do this you could end up with a support headache caused by users blocking your IPC.

I would maybe look at using traditional shared memory techniques and if you are targeting the Mac App Store I would check to see what Apple recommends.

[quote=443631:@Kevin Gale]Be careful. This could trigger the end-user’s firewall. If they aren’t expecting your app to do this you could end up with a support headache caused by users blocking your IPC.

I would maybe look at using traditional shared memory techniques and if you are targeting the Mac App Store I would check to see what Apple recommends.[/quote]
FWIW, You may be able to avoid that by only listening n the localhost network.

Right. I use this instead of IPC, so a network firewall is a non-issue. (Software firewalls may still require HTTP calls by the programs though.)

Aloe can also be added to desktop apps, to provide API like responses to other tasks. In which case you don’t use the DoEvents loop mentioned by Karen. (Which you should never use DoEvents in a desktop app anyway.)