Image Resource Analyzer [24Sep]

If you analyze a project and get the above warning… here is the only work around I can think of

  • create a copy of your original project file
  • import all external modules
  • decrypt any encrypted modules (assuming you have the passkey)
  • save (with a new name) as XML project file
  • analyze THAT instead.

I was not clear enough.

The version used works fine: it report correctly not Referenced images on Xojo 2015r1.

I do not have a more recent license, so I cannot test it with more recent version.

Thank you Emile. The latest version of IRA will now read any XML version of an Xojo project file back to at least 2007 and most likely before that, regardless of the project extension (it just has be to XML format).

It also will point out if the analysis could not be made complete due to the existance of either External or Encrypted modules

External items can be in binary or XML
In XML they are saved like

<block type="ExternalCode" ID="1369573375">
 <FullPath>Macintosh HD:Users:npalardy:Desktop:RB Test Projects:untitled folder:Report1.xojo_xml_code</FullPath>
 <SaveInfo><Hex bytes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ex></SaveInfo>

I forget which order the IDE prefers to use the saved paths (most likely partial, save info, full but I really dont recall)
You could scan those external items as well as long as they are not encrypted
In XML and encrypted item is just Hex Bytes
And I understand why you dont want to have to read binary - its much more complicated

From what I can see, an External Module is stored as BINARY (unless there is an option that I’m unaware of),
And while upon examining the External Binary, I can see the image references, being able to accurately parse to insure it is not “something else” is beyond the scope (ok… effort)

But either way… an Encrypted module (internal or external) is a stopper. So for these, I will not be pursuing accommodating these specific issues and offer the above posted work around if required.

select the XML option when you make it external ?

encrypted I’m not sure there is anything reasonable you could do - not surprised though

yup didn’t see that…

I guess I could append any XML externals before I do the analysis, and warn only for non XML externals

The scope of this is way past the simple scan/report I had imagined :slight_smile:

its a handy tool
and those things do tend to grow way beyond what anyone ever intends :slight_smile:

[quote=455256:@Norman Palardy]its a handy tool
and those things do tend to grow way beyond what anyone ever intends :)[/quote]
That they do… and thanks :slight_smile: