I'm looking for a more advanced listbox

I come from 4D too, but 15 years ago …
I made my own listbox to have something similar to 4D (and almost all other controls from 4D)
it took me a few years to have it usable (and far better than 4D now and going on …)
I used a container control, with the standard listbox in it (not needed the desktoplistbox), and two scrollbars
and linked it to my database methods (also had to write a lot from 4D to Xojo)
If you’re in a hurry, you can look at third party tools like graffiti or pidog they have good listboxes
or wait for xojo grid like Marcus said above, but nobody knows how long it will take.

edit: there is also a new one here : Xojo DataGrid by BasicApp

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