iCloud files aren't found by app

I do believe the engineers who designed this, had the best of intentions. Just like the iPhone throttling.

iCloud should NEVER remove files from the users computer, unless the user has specifically selected to do so.

I believe a better option would be when the user chooses to delete files, Apple could offer the option to keep the file in the cloud. Auto-removing files without anyone knowing, is simply bad practice. If you or I attempted to do something like say in an app for the App Store, it’d be rejected for misleading customers.

And disabling iCloud, should NEVER delete files from the users desktop or documents folder, it should work in the opposite, ensuring that all files are then download to the local disk.

Situations like this really damage the reputation that Apple spend decades building, which will have long term detrimental effects.

Today I found that even though I have unticked Desktop and Document from my iCloud settings, it’s still doing it in some folders.
So even files that are a month old , have been moved there, leaving a link behind, which means sometimes I have to wait maybe 5-10 seconds for a download to occur and the file I want to be available.

I issued a google search with MacOS .nosync and get returned data.

Also, I read stuff about iCloud that was saying basically what the OP says in the news web site (about Apple).

At what point does iCloud determine that a file is old or that space is needed and it needs deleting?

Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 3.43.26 pm

Well you could have my situation where iCloud sync got stuck at .01MB remaining and now won’t complete. Apple’s solution was to wipe my machine and reinstall from a backup. For me, that will take 36 hours at the very least. :frowning:

That appears to be Apple answer for anything that doesn’t work correctly, wipe your drive and perform a clean install.

True story, that’s what they always say if something seems wrong.

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That is what I was doing when I upgraded my OS.

Since SSD and El Capitan, I stopped to upgrade my macOS. (the two may not be related)

Yes, Sam, I never use the synchro feature to update my boot disks for major upgrade: I always do that manually (after a full/hard/deep * format of the HDD)

  • I fogot the name: it is the format that took hours, not the simple - one minute - erase.
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Yeah, I’m not sure when Apple tech support started being run by the MS Windows team, but I hate it.


At the moment, it appears that Microsoft and Apple have each others CEO. They should just swap back and things should return to normal.


At the moment, it appears that Microsoft and Apple have each others CEO. They should just swap back and things should return to normal.

Oh, that explains my recent fondness for Windows…


I thought I’d have a look at some features of my app and the problem is quite lovely (=nasty).

I’m using FileListMBS to get a list of files. What is wrong with the following code:

dim theFileList as new FileListMBS(StartFolderitem)
dim FileCount as Integer = theFileList.Count - 1
for currentFile as Integer = 0 to FileCount
  if theFileList.Visible(currentFile) then
    if theFileList.Directory(currentFile) then
      ListOfFiles.AddRow theFileList.TrueItem(currentFile).NativePath
      GetListOfFiles theFileList.TrueItem(currentFile)
      ListOfFiles.AddRow theFileList.TrueItem(currentFile).NativePath
    end if
  end if

For FileListMBS the iCloud files are invisible ones:

/Users/beatrixwillius 1/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/flame/ files/flame files/ Public/.1059.flame.icloud

Sigh… so I need to take out the invisible check.

Files with dots are invisible in Finder.
Just that files with .iCloud extensions get shown as Cloud files.

The Finder doesn’t show the not-downloaded files with a dot. So this was a total surprise to me.

It’s all magic! :mage:t2:

It would make more sense if the resulting folderitems from FilelistMBS had the same behaviour as the Xojo folderitems.

Here is my final code to check if a folderitem is in the cloud:

Public Function FileIsOnlyIcloud(extends theFolderitem as FolderItem) as Boolean
  'checks if the file is in icloud only
  Dim n As New NSURLMBS(theFolderitem)
  dim value as Variant 
  dim error as NSErrorMBS
  Dim result As Boolean = n.getResourceValue(value, n.NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey, error)
  'not an iCloud file
  if value = Nil then Return False
  'iCloud files
  if value.IntegerValue = 1 then
    'don't care about the trash
    if theFolderitem.Name = ".Trash" then Return False
    'normal file
    Return not theFolderitem.Visible
  elseif value.IntegerValue = 0 then
    'invisible files like dsstore
    Return False
  end if
End Function